Featured Archives - Reputation Sciences Tue, 26 Sep 2023 19:41:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.4 https://www.reputationsciences.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/cropped-Logo-1-32x32.png Featured Archives - Reputation Sciences 32 32 Corporate Reputation Management: What You Need to Know https://www.reputationsciences.com/corporate-reputation-management-what-you-need-to-know-2/ Thu, 09 Jun 2022 17:25:04 +0000 https://www.reputationsciences.com/?p=10810 How do you protect your corporate reputation? Get the latest on corporate reputation management and what the right ORM strategy can do for your growing business.  Today’s corporate leaders face a fast-changing online world that can make it challenging to keep up. Best business practices must involve continual transformation to match the digital age—as well […]

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How do you protect your corporate reputation? Get the latest on corporate reputation management and what the right ORM strategy can do for your growing business. 

Today’s corporate leaders face a fast-changing online world that can make it challenging to keep up.

Best business practices must involve continual transformation to match the digital age—as well as a reputation management strategy that ensures brand integrity, authority and engagement on the web.

Social media and 24-hour news feeds create a constant stream of information about your company. For better or worse, that news reaches the masses worldwide in minutes.

Corporate reputation management can impact your company’s market value, revenue, and ability to retain top talent.

How Reputation Management Impacts Revenue

“It takes twenty years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.” – Warren Buffett

The relationship between reputation management and revenue is a primary motivator for many corporate leaders.

People head to the web when they want to learn more about a company before doing business. If the results they find are negative, they’ll take their business elsewhere—and your company loses a sale.

Corporate reputation also has a direct impact on:

  • Market value
  • Talent management and retention
  • Current and future success of the CEO

That last point—the success of the CEO—is a big one. Online reputation management can be thought of as insurance for your CEO—something that shields them and your brand from scrutiny.

Best Business Practices to Boost Corporate Reputation

The most effective corporate reputation management strategies incorporate the best business practices to shape a positive and profitable perception of your company.

Such practices can include:

  • Media and PR Efforts
  • Distribution of Press Releases
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Employer Branding
  • Customer Experience Management
  • Review Management
  • Social Media Management
  • Reputation Marketing

For those building an online management strategy, the following practices will point you in the right direction:

Listen to Your Audience

Corporate reputation is defined by every link and mention of a brand online. Your reputation strategy should focus on engaging with every audience that interacts with your business, including:

  • Employees
  • Stakeholders
  • Customers
  • International Communities
  • Local Communities

Taking time to listen to each segment of your audience can reveal a gold mine of information. Carefully collecting, analyzing, and managing audience feedback is integral to building stronger connections and fortifying your digital brand.

Listening to your audience and analyzing the data can provide important insights into how they feel about your brand.

Improve Employer Branding

Corporate employer branding is key to hiring and keeping the best talent. And higher-quality talent helps you build a better brand.

Did you know that 69% of people would rather be unemployed than accept offers from companies with low-quality branding?

You’ll need more than a flashy careers page, though. Listening to employee feedback and fostering a company culture that promotes your value proposition is essential to attracting the best employees.

Become a Thought Leader

A corporate thought leader is someone recognized as an authority in their field. Becoming one can give your brand the boost of credibility needed to strengthen and refine your competitive edge.

Prominent corporate thought leaders (think Steve Jobs) are often invited to public events, webinars, and conferences to speak. At these events, they share insights with interested audiences while gaining excellent publicity.

When paired with effective community outreach, a smart approach to thought leadership can flood the internet with information that puts your business in a positive light. It can also improve opinion of your brand and boost your online reputation.

Protect Your Reputation Before Crisis Strikes

When a reputation crisis strikes, a company’s market value and revenue can take a massive hit. Public opinion worsens, stakeholders get nervous, stocks plummet, and the resulting damage can take years to fix.

Take the case of Dave Carroll, whose $3,500 guitar was damaged by United Airlines baggage handlers. After fighting for reimbursement for nine months, Carroll was expected to accept $1,200 in vouchers as compensation.

What did Carroll do? He wrote, sung, and filmed “United Breaks Guitars” for the world to see and it went viral.

Within a few days, the video had over half a million views.

At this point, United Airlines couldn’t do anything, and their stock took a 10% hit. This dive cost its shareholders millions, and the company was inundated with negative press.

While your company’s next crisis likely won’t end with a viral video, it could be just as damaging. Negative comments and scathing reviews can hit social media and make a significant impact in a hurry.

Corporate reputation management makes it easier to deal with and mitigate crises as they happen—as well as head off potential disasters before they strike.


  • Resolve customer issues.
  • Listen to complaints from employees and stakeholders.
  • Foster goodwill with news sources.
  • Respond positively to online reviews.
  • Run all external communications by your reputation and legal teams.

Actions like these can help reduce your vulnerability to online crises and put you in control of the conversation.

Failing to plan, as the adage goes, is planning to fail.

Delight Your Customers/Clients

Today’s audiences are demanding—and it’s nearly impossible to make everyone happy. However, the best business practices included in your online reputation strategy can go a long way toward maximizing your visibility and optimizing the customer experience.

A focus on consistent, responsive customer service is integral to harnessing brand loyalty and earning recommendations on social media.

Consider Outsourcing Your Corporate Reputation Management

When business performance doesn’t match expectations, something needs to change. And when that’s the case, it may be time to bring in reputation experts to analyze your corporate reputation and build a plan for the future.

The following signs may indicate the need for a business reputation checkup:

  • Negative reviews and low ratings on popular sites like Facebook and Google.
  • Poor conversion performance.
  • Trending topics about your business with negative overtones.
  • Inability to meet projected growth rates.

Contact Reputation Sciences™ today to schedule your comprehensive Reputation Audit and gain insight into your company’s online reputation.

The post Corporate Reputation Management: What You Need to Know appeared first on Reputation Sciences.

Online Reputation Management Services: An Overview https://www.reputationsciences.com/online-reputation-management-services-an-overview/ Mon, 30 Sep 2019 16:18:04 +0000 https://www.reputationsciences.com/?p=8732 How can online reputation management services help your business? Our Business Reputation Experts look at what the right ORM service team can do for your reputation, your brand and your bottom line.  These days, people research, engage with and buy from brands online.   And whether you’re an A-list celebrity or an international corporation, your brand’s […]

The post Online Reputation Management Services: An Overview appeared first on Reputation Sciences.

How can online reputation management services help your business? Our Business Reputation Experts look at what the right ORM service team can do for your reputation, your brand and your bottom line. 

These days, people research, engage with and buy from brands online.  

And whether you’re an A-list celebrity or an international corporation, your brand’s worth depends on your ability to optimize that interaction and control the online narrative. 

More than ever, high-profile professionals, personalities, politicians and multinational enterprises are turning to online reputation management (ORM) service providers to do just that: build a digital presence that fends off threats and compels consumers to action.

ORM companies are everywhere. Which one is right for me?

Customers, competitors and critics have numerous outlets for attacking your image and hurting your bottom line. This makes choosing the right SEO services company essential—not only to protect and preserve your unique digital brand, but to ensure you’re prepared for the everyday challenges that come with surviving the digital landscape. 

But knowing which firm provides the best opportunity for success isn’t always easy. Competition is heavy in the ORM space, and filtering through the noise to identify the best ORM provider—the company that will elevate your profile and deliver the best chance to achieve sustainable digital results—can seem difficult, if not impossible.

Not all ORM companies are created equal. That’s why it’s so important for individuals, businesses and big-name brands to do their research and ask the right questions when choosing the right online reputation management services provider, such as:

Can you provide in-depth insight and analysis of my online footprint? 

SEO services firms that don’t dig deep to uncover and analyze each element of your digital brand may leave your business open to attack—and fail to identify crucial opportunities for repair, improvement and online growth.

Do you have experience in online crisis management? 

Companies without adequate, firsthand experience navigating and mitigating online threats are likely ill-equipped to steer your brand across what can be a treacherous digital landscape, leaving you without the level of protection you need to manage a profitable presence.

Can you deliver a custom ORM solution that protects my brand for the long-term? 

The web is always changing, and if your reputation management provider isn’t focused on designing robust ORM strategies that deliver long-term results, you’ll be hard-pressed to manage new threats and overcome new challenges down the road. 

No matter if you’re the CEO of a Fortune 500 firm, a professional athlete or the owner of a local donut shop, it’s critical to know you have the right online reputation management company in your corner—a professional ORM team that can deliver the comprehensive, customized online reputation management solutions you need to overcome crises, maximize revenue and position you to be your best online.

What are comprehensive online reputation management services?

Complete online reputation management services account for each element of your digital footprint—every review, comment, article and social mention that comprise your online brand. When done right, these services work together to improve and optimize your overall position on the web. 

And any SEO services team worth their salt knows this holistic approach to reputation management is key to building brand integrity, visibility and authority that is not only sustainable, but that maximizes impact in Google search and among your target audience. 

In short, a custom, complete ORM strategy is what makes it possible for you to control the online conversation—to manage threats, seize opportunities and unlock your full online potential. 

An effective ORM campaign includes:

Full, in-depth brand analysis

No online reputation management services strategy can be truly effective without a deep dive into your digital presence. A thorough analysis of your online footprint provides the big-picture perspective you need not just to better understand your online brand but to develop the data-driven, multi-layered strategy needed to eliminate threats, know your competition and strengthen sentiment among consumers.

A full digital brand audit doesn’t just identify who you are on the web; it highlights where things are working, where you need improvement and avenues for elevating your position in the marketplace. 

Online repair and management services

The next step in effective reputation management is online repair, fixing the damage negative items have done to your brand image and building a more robust presence from which to steer the online narrative. 

Built on data and fueled by SEO, impactful reputation repair strategies combine tools, technology, and expertise to restore and enhance your digital brand impact. Once in motion, a customized ORM strategy may include any number of online reputation management services, including:

Threat and crisis management. Digital reputation management typically begins with the removal, suppression and mitigation of items damaging your online image—as well as proactive strategies for managing crises in the future.

Review management. A proactive review management strategy can provide businesses and brands the opportunity to rein in bad reviews and build a more positive presence on sites like Google Business. 

Content marketing. The strategic creation, development and distribution of brand-centered content across the web helps reinforce your message, grow your audience and develop a more robust digital footprint. 

Social media and brand management. As part of ORM, a smart social media management strategy allows you to maintain brand relevance and stay ahead of crises before they go viral. 

Search engine optimization. SEO services are the anchor and heartbeat of online reputation management, providing the foundation on which to build your ORM strategy and the search engine oxygen needed to keep your fresh, competitive and profitable. 

Monitoring and maintenance

Once your revitalized presence begins to take shape—and starts to generate positive results for your brand and bottom line—it’s time to prepare for the road ahead. Doing so requires vigilance—as well as the flexibility needed to pivot, adapt and reinforce your strategy when new crises occur.

Reputation monitoring and maintenance are crucial to ensuring your ORM strategy is on track and your competitive edge is sharp, no matter what obstacles are thrown in your path. Effective, real-time monitoring software is critical to tracking new mentions of your brand and shoring up problems before they blow up. The right reputation maintenance campaign gives you the tools to make sure your brand retains its authority and relevance—and to optimize engagement at every stage of the consumer interaction. 

Who provides the best in digital reputation solutions? 

As we mentioned earlier, there is no end to choices regarding online reputation management services.

But if you’re looking for something more—an ORM company that goes beyond negative information removal to deliver digital brand solutions that grow your reach, solidify your industry authority and propel you past the competition—you’ve come to the right place. 

Located in Denver, Colorado, Reputation Sciences™ specializes in comprehensive, robust digital brand management solutions built to empower long-term success.  With a complete SEO services solution tailored around your online brand, you’re not only prepared for the latest PR crisis, random review or online attack, but also to create a digital reputation that compels action and positions you as the go-to business in your field. 

We A.R.M. you for success

Controlling your digital reputation is key to thriving in today’s marketplace. 

With a comprehensive, advanced A.R.M. (Audit, Repair, Monitoring) solution from Reputation Sciences™, that control is in your hands, ensuring your online brand is confident and heading in the right direction. 


Starting at $5000, our in-depth, tech-powered brand audit scours the web in search of any mention of your business. From review platforms and news sources to business profiles and social conversations, our digital brand audit solution aims to identify and categorize each so as to build a more comprehensive picture of your online footprint.

Reputation analysis

Once the information is collected, Reputation Sciences™ experts perform a thorough SWOT analysis of your online image to map out the strengths, weaknesses and opportunities and threats embedded within your digital reputation. Our profile defenders root out areas in need of improvement and identify opportunities for improving your position for common search phrases—an effort to mitigate existing threats and beef up a more positive presence across the web.

Competitive analysis

In addition to evaluating the data on your own brand reputation, we take a closer look into your competitors’ ranking and image online, analyzing how they stack up in search and how they’re performing in comparison to your brand. We go deep to analyze what they’re doing well and where they’re falling behind—insight that will be used to craft a more effective reputation repair strategy and sharpen your approach down the road.

Executive analysis 

Each audit includes an examination of how you measure up among competitors and consumers, the gathering and analysis of key performance metrics that indicate not only how your brand is perceived by customers, competitors and the general public, but also how users interact with your firm at every stage of the decision-making process. By better understanding the quantity and quality of interactions with your brand, we’re able to evaluate factors like consumer sentiment and brand authority—as well as develop a strategic plan of attack for strengthening both. 


Beginning at just $1700/month, our SEO online reputation management services work to remove existing threats, repair reputation damage and provide your brand the online footprint you need to control the online narrative. 

Utilizing the actionable data and analysis collected from your comprehensive brand audit, we build and implement the holistic digital brand management and growth strategy that puts you in the driver’s seat—allowing you to restore a positive online image that connects with customers and enables you to capitalize on opportunities. 

Our reputation repair solution is comprehensive and supported by an array of powerful reputation management resources, including:

  • Strategic removal and mitigation of negative articles, comments, blogs, reviews and social threads eroding brand authority and impacting your bottom line.
  • Crisis management tools that enable you to manage digital problems, mitigate potential damage and pivot your brand when necessary. 
  • Brand-based content marketing involving the creation and curation of high-quality bios, blogs, social posts and images that embody brand values, enhance your presence and depth for key Google search phrases, and improve position, visibility and authority on the web.
  • On-site SEO services designed to increase site traffic, improve website UI and nudge customers closer to point-of-purchase. 
  • Social media management services that help you maintain relevancy and steer the conversation.
  • The Reputation Sciences™ Review Management Portal, which for just $149/month aggregates your online reviews while allowing you to mitigate the impact of bad online commentary and generate a more positive, profitable review presence—all from one easy-to-use review management dashboard.

With a custom, long-term ORM solution supporting your online brand, you’re not just eliminating threats before they turn into digital nightmares; you’re taking a proactive role in your own online destiny—building the reputation on which your brand can compete, attract customers, strengthen loyalty and reach the next level of success.


Gaining control of your online reputation is one thing. But maintaining that grip requires vigilance, not to mention tracking technology that can filter through millions of websites quickly to ensure you’re always a step ahead of the game.

Staring at the low price of $29/month, the Reputation Sciences™ Monitoring Solution provides the peace of mind that can only come from comprehensive, 24-7 digital brand monitoring. This state-of-the-art tracking tool is customized by our Denver-based digital experts to identify mentions of your brand when and wherever they hit the web—and to provide you instant alerts so you can react, respond and manage new crises fast.

And for just $250/month, our Executive Monitoring service goes a step further, providing instant updates not only surrounding your specific brand name, but your entire online reputation and affiliate brands to ensure your business is always safe and protected on the web.

24-7 monitoring is integral to maintaining compelling and profitable online presence—and a key component of any online reputation management services campaign. 

Looking for SEO services to boost your online brand? We can help.

Crafting advanced, effective reputation management solutions is what we do. It’s our passion, and the reason why Reputation Sciences™ has become synonymous with online success. 

Our experienced Denver ORM team has provided industry-leading reputation analysis, repair and monitoring solutions to brands for more than eight years. We know the challenges modern brands face in the digital marketplace, as well as the data-driven insight, hard work and commitment it takes to achieve meaningful, lasting results—those that ensure you’re at the top of your game and have the digital readiness to succeed no matter what comes your way.

Unlike others in our industry, we go the extra mile to build robust reputation management solutions that are supported by data and strengthen your brand at every level and layer of your online footprint. At Reputation Sciences™, we believe online reputation management services should be about more than simply managing an online flare-up, but should give you the SEO tools, technology and marketing expertise you need to direct your own brand narrative—to create a presence that enables higher profitability and helps unlock the full potential of your business. 

From customized brand audits and online reputation repair to 24-7 monitoring, our complete A.R.M solution puts you at the helm of your own digital footprint, ensuring your brand is protected, powerful and profitable for the long-term. Our reputation defenders are here to help you be your best online.

To get started on your own comprehensive digital reputation solution, visit Reputation Sciences™ today or Call (844) 458-6735 .

For daily #digitalreputation tips and ORM services info, follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

The post Online Reputation Management Services: An Overview appeared first on Reputation Sciences.

Monitoring Your Digital Footprint https://www.reputationsciences.com/monitoring-your-digital-footprint/ Mon, 23 Sep 2019 19:51:05 +0000 https://www.reputationsciences.com/?p=8726 Monitoring Your Digital Footprint – These days, reputation management is a must-have for any digital marketing team.  Without proactive, robust ORM anchoring your online branding strategy, you’re liable to lose control of the message fast—leaving your narrative not only at the mercy of a chaotic online environment, but in the hands of angry customers and […]

The post Monitoring Your Digital Footprint appeared first on Reputation Sciences.

Monitoring Your Digital Footprint – These days, reputation management is a must-have for any digital marketing team. 

Without proactive, robust ORM anchoring your online branding strategy, you’re liable to lose control of the message fast—leaving your narrative not only at the mercy of a chaotic online environment, but in the hands of angry customers and disgruntled ex-employees with nothing but an axe to grind and LOTS of time to take down your digital image.

And protecting your brand requires vigilance, not to mention reputation monitoring services that will alert you of problems before they erode your digital footprint. 

ORM puts you in control. Monitoring ensures you stay there

Effective reputation repair is essential to fix the damage bad reviews, negative social and libelous articles are doing to your corporate image—and to put your digital marketing team in firm control of your brand narrative.

But once your reputation has been restored, and you have a digital footprint that conveys authority and compels consumers to action, how do you keep it that way? In other words, what do you do to ensure your corporate brand stays at the top of its game—no matter the threats or challenges a dangerous, unpredictable digital environment is throwing your way?

With constant, vigilant online monitoring. 

Having a strong and profitable online image is great. But each second you’re not actively tracking mentions of your brand provides yet another opportunity for upset customers, underhanded competitors and unhinged ex-employees to create a problem for your business—one that can spiral out of control if you don’t deal with it immediately. 

So, how do I monitor my digital footprint? It seems like a lot of work

And it is. A LOT of work. But with the right commitment of resources, the right combination of digital tools and tireless dedication, you can take steps to monitor your reputation—and manage problems before they blow up your bottom line.

A simple Google search reveals an array of reputation monitoring services that, when properly pieced together, may provide the edge you need to stay ahead of online threats

Some of these include:

Google Alerts 

Google’s monitoring tool allows you to set email alerts for search phrases related to your company—and notifies you regularly based on your preferences.


Trackur’s social media monitoring tool claims to provide info and insight concerning your social presence and mentions of your brand across mainstream news sites.


Essentially an online review monitoring portal, Reputology offers info on business reviews posted on consumer and industry-targeted review sites around the web. 

Social Mention

Social Mention purports to offer social media monitoring and measurement of more than 80 sites, and to provide metrics on brand reach and customer sentiment.

Reputation Ranger 

Designed to monitor mentions for businesses in four niche industries—automotive, hospitality, home repair and food service—Reputation Ranger claims to offer real-time alerts and monitoring across “important” industry-related sites.

Reputation Health

Reputation Health is a review monitoring service focused solely on physicians and how patients impact a practice’s digital footprint.


Advertised as a local brand management platform, Chatmeter sends email notifications once reviews of your business pop up on local review sites.

Again, the right combination of tools, hard work and determination can make effective brand monitoring possible. 

But putting together the right monitoring strategy—and knowing which reputation monitoring services work best for your company—can be a challenge, requiring a significant commitment of time and resources once focused on your most important obligation: managing your business.

Don’t take chances. Protect your profits with professional monitoring

Before spending hours or even days researching the right monitoring tools—or dedicating money and manpower to tracking (and reacting) to items that threaten your business online—consider the comprehensive reputation monitoring services of a proven online reputation team: Reputation Sciences™

As leaders in the reputation management space, our goal is to equip your business with the digital analysis, technology and technique you need to build a more profitable online image. 

And with a Reputation Sciences™ customized online monitoring solution designed to fit your unique brand, you have the power not just to optimize your digital marketing strategy, but to mitigate risks and protect your profitability well into the future. 

Creating a positive reputation is one thing. But with professional, 24-7 reputation monitoring services from Reputation Sciences™, you have the watchful eye needed to:

  • Know when and where new mentions are made of your business just as soon as they happen.
  • Track and respond quickly to online reviews on hundreds of review sites—and mitigate potential flare-ups before they go viral. 
  • Stay on top of your digital footprint across all popular social sites and ensure you’re in control of your brand’s social narrative.
  • Prepare for digital crises more effectively while minimizing damage to your bottom line.

And with every reputation monitoring service we offer, you have access to the reputation reinforcement and brand management solutions needed to strengthen your digital marketing strategy and fortify your corporate reputation against any future attack.

Through 24-7 monitoring, instant updates and in-depth digital insight, you’re ready to evolve your brand and pivot your marketing approach whenever necessary—and maintain the robust, rewarding online presence that grows your business and unlocks its full digital potential. 

Customized reputation monitoring services that fit your budget

At Reputation Sciences™, we aim to provide reputation management and monitoring services that not only enable online success, but that allow you to protect your corporate brand without breaking your marketing budget. 

This is why our custom reputation monitoring solution starts at the low price of just $29/month, giving you access to 24-7 full-web monitoring that won’t strain your bottom line.

And starting at just $250/month, our Executive Monitoring service delivers the advanced, comprehensive brand monitoring package your business needs to identify and eliminate threats quickly, ensuring your company’s online integrity and authority are maintained across search engine results pages (SERPS).

To learn more about complete, 24-7 business monitoring that protects your entire digital footprint,  Call (866)427-2206 today. 

Get the latest on online monitoring and more by following our Facebook and Twitter.

The post Monitoring Your Digital Footprint appeared first on Reputation Sciences.

Fix Your Online Reputation: Utilizing ORM to Increase Sales https://www.reputationsciences.com/fix-your-online-reputation-utilizing-orm-to-increase-sales/ Mon, 05 Aug 2019 13:41:56 +0000 https://www.reputationsciences.com/?p=8550 Want to give your bottom line a boost? Read below to learn how reputation management can help increase sales and grow your business fast! What happens when you Google your business? Are you happy with the results? If you haven’t looked already, you should.  When negative comments or content appear in an online search for […]

The post Fix Your Online Reputation: Utilizing ORM to Increase Sales appeared first on Reputation Sciences.

Want to give your bottom line a boost? Read below to learn how reputation management can help increase sales and grow your business fast!

What happens when you Google your business? Are you happy with the results?

If you haven’t looked already, you should. 

When negative comments or content appear in an online search for your business, you are already losing customers. And bad news travels fast.

Are Your Sales Down? It Could Be Your Online Reputation 

Your online image is so powerful that a bad one can cripple your bottom line

But if your sales have plummeted as a result of a negative review or an online crisis, online reputation management (ORM) can help your business rebuild credibility as an industry authority.

Most of your customers never make it past Google’s first page. If you’re going to increase sales, you need to know everything your visitors see online.

A focused ORM strategy isn’t only helpful for businesses that are struggling. Companies looking to amplify their web presence to increase sales fast can also benefit from ORM. 

Your customers need to find you, and they need to like what they see. Make it easy for them.

Why Is Your Online Reputation So Important?

The information age has completely reshaped the way people buy. Rather than turning to the yellow pages or asking a friend, consumers look to the internet first to mull through their options—a reality creating the new marketing frameworks in which we now operate. 

What do customers find when they search your company?

Business owners often aim to increase sales by making adjustments in-house. But more often than not, the underlying problem is not within the meeting rooms and teambuilding sessions of your own firm. 

Consumers dependency on the internet is increasing every year, and successful businesses must learn to adjust as the landscape changes. 

Why ORM?

Your customers look to review sites like Google when making purchase decisions. According to BrightLocal, the average consumer reads about 10 online reviews before they’re able to trust a local business. Additionally, more than 91% of the 18-to-34 demographic considers online recommendations to be as trustworthy as a friend’s opinion. 

Just because your business’s online image has taken a hit doesn’t mean it’s a lost cause. Comprehensive ORM offers a holistic approach to reframe your digital footprint to adapt and thrive within  the ever-changing digital landscape. 

No matter when you started your business, a customized ORM strategy can provide the framework you need to flourish—putting you in control of the information your customers access and allowing you to steer the conversation. 

With harmful content pushed off the first page of Google, you’re better equipped to compete—and your business is positioned as a resource and industry authority consumers can trust.

You need visitors to become customers. ORM can help.

How Can ORM Increase Sales?

ORM is a highly specialized set of services designed to increase your business’s positivity and visibility on the web. This is done through:

  • A comprehensive, multi-layered strategy that involves an in-depth look at your social presence and online content to assess and audit your reputation. This process provides insight into how your business impacts prospective customers and fares against your competitors. 
  • Advanced ORM services aimed at repairing existing damage—or merely at establishing an online image (if you don’t yet have one)—by creating and amplifying trustworthy content. 
  • Specialists who track and maintain your reputation to ensure your business’s positive digital presence continues to grow, giving you control over your brand’s narrative.

Is ORM Only for Increasing Sales?

An increase in sales is only the beginning. ORM can help both new and established businesses build a more solid foundation by:

  • Improving relationships and building trust with your consumers.
  • Attracting talent, ensuring you’re hiring only the best people, and increasing the likelihood that they’ll stay.
  • Positioning your business as a thought leader and authority in your industry, meaning customers will seek you out (Google is the new business card).

Do You Need Help Now Managing Your Online Reputation?

It’s never too early to make your company’s online reputation a priority. If you’re looking to increase sales quickly, the time is now. 

Whether you’re facing a PR crisis or simply looking to become more established in your industry, the experts at Reputation Sciences™ can help. 

Before scheduling your free consultation, check out our Business Reputation Audit Tool for a detailed breakdown of how your company’s reputation is affecting your profits. 

For more information about ORM, please check out our Facebook page and follow us on Twitter.

The post Fix Your Online Reputation: Utilizing ORM to Increase Sales appeared first on Reputation Sciences.

Corporate Reputation Management: What You Need to Know https://www.reputationsciences.com/corporate-reputation-management-what-you-need-to-know/ Mon, 29 Jul 2019 22:38:39 +0000 https://www.reputationsciences.com/?p=8278 How do you protect your corporate reputation? Get the latest on corporate reputation management and what the right ORM strategy can do for your growing business.  Today’s corporate leaders face a fast-changing online world that can make it challenging to keep up. Best business practices must involve continual transformation to match the digital age—as well […]

The post Corporate Reputation Management: What You Need to Know appeared first on Reputation Sciences.

How do you protect your corporate reputation? Get the latest on corporate reputation management and what the right ORM strategy can do for your growing business. 

Today’s corporate leaders face a fast-changing online world that can make it challenging to keep up.

Best business practices must involve continual transformation to match the digital age—as well as a reputation management strategy that ensures brand integrity, authority and engagement on the web.

Social media and 24-hour news feeds create a constant stream of information about your company. For better or worse, that news reaches the masses worldwide in minutes.

Corporate reputation management can impact your company’s market value, revenue, and ability to retain top talent.

How Reputation Management Impacts Revenue

“It takes twenty years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.” – Warren Buffett

The relationship between reputation management and revenue is a primary motivator for many corporate leaders.

People head to the web when they want to learn more about a company before doing business. If the results they find are negative, they’ll take their business elsewhere—and your company loses a sale.

Corporate reputation also has a direct impact on:

  • Market value
  • Talent management and retention
  • Current and future success of the CEO

That last point—the success of the CEO—is a big one. Online reputation management can be thought of as insurance for your CEO—something that shields them and your brand from scrutiny.

Best Business Practices to Boost Corporate Reputation

The most effective corporate reputation management strategies incorporate the best business practices to shape a positive and profitable perception of your company.

Such practices can include:

  • Media and PR Efforts
  • Distribution of Press Releases
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Employer Branding
  • Customer Experience Management
  • Review Management
  • Social Media Management
  • Reputation Marketing

For those building an online management strategy, the following practices will point you in the right direction:

Listen to Your Audience

Corporate reputation is defined by every link and mention of a brand online. Your reputation strategy should focus on engaging with every audience that interacts with your business, including:

  • Employees
  • Stakeholders
  • Customers
  • International Communities
  • Local Communities

Taking time to listen to each segment of your audience can reveal a gold mine of information. Carefully collecting, analyzing, and managing audience feedback is integral to building stronger connections and fortifying your digital brand.

Listening to your audience and analyzing the data can provide important insights into how they feel about your brand.

Improve Employer Branding

Corporate employer branding is key to hiring and keeping the best talent. And higher-quality talent helps you build a better brand.

Did you know that 69% of people would rather be unemployed than accept offers from companies with low-quality branding?

You’ll need more than a flashy careers page, though. Listening to employee feedback and fostering a company culture that promotes your value proposition is essential to attracting the best employees.

Become a Thought Leader

A corporate thought leader is someone recognized as an authority in their field. Becoming one can give your brand the boost of credibility needed to strengthen and refine your competitive edge.

Prominent corporate thought leaders (think Steve Jobs) are often invited to public events, webinars, and conferences to speak. At these events, they share insights with interested audiences while gaining excellent publicity.

When paired with effective community outreach, a smart approach to thought leadership can flood the internet with information that puts your business in a positive light. It can also improve opinion of your brand and boost your online reputation.

Protect Your Reputation Before Crisis Strikes

When a reputation crisis strikes, a company’s market value and revenue can take a massive hit. Public opinion worsens, stakeholders get nervous, stocks plummet, and the resulting damage can take years to fix.

Take the case of Dave Carroll, whose $3,500 guitar was damaged by United Airlines baggage handlers. After fighting for reimbursement for nine months, Carroll was expected to accept $1,200 in vouchers as compensation.

What did Carroll do? He wrote, sung, and filmed “United Breaks Guitars” for the world to see and it went viral.

Within a few days, the video had over half a million views.

At this point, United Airlines couldn’t do anything, and their stock took a 10% hit. This dive cost its shareholders millions, and the company was inundated with negative press.

While your company’s next crisis likely won’t end with a viral video, it could be just as damaging. Negative comments and scathing reviews can hit social media and make a significant impact in a hurry.

Corporate reputation management makes it easier to deal with and mitigate crises as they happen—as well as head off potential disasters before they strike.


  • Resolve customer issues.
  • Listen to complaints from employees and stakeholders.
  • Foster goodwill with news sources.
  • Respond positively to online reviews.
  • Run all external communications by your reputation and legal teams.

Actions like these can help reduce your vulnerability to online crises and put you in control of the conversation.

Failing to plan, as the adage goes, is planning to fail.

Delight Your Customers/Clients

Today’s audiences are demanding—and it’s nearly impossible to make everyone happy. However, the best business practices included in your online reputation strategy can go a long way toward maximizing your visibility and optimizing the customer experience.

A focus on consistent, responsive customer service is integral to harnessing brand loyalty and earning recommendations on social media.

Consider Outsourcing Your Corporate Reputation Management

When business performance doesn’t match expectations, something needs to change. And when that’s the case, it may be time to bring in reputation experts to analyze your corporate reputation and build a plan for the future.

The following signs may indicate the need for a business reputation checkup:

  • Negative reviews and low ratings on popular sites like Facebook and Google.
  • Poor conversion performance.
  • Trending topics about your business with negative overtones.
  • Inability to meet projected growth rates.

Contact Reputation Sciences™ today to schedule your comprehensive Reputation Audit and gain insight into your company’s online reputation.

The post Corporate Reputation Management: What You Need to Know appeared first on Reputation Sciences.
