Reputation News Archives - Reputation Sciences Thu, 09 Nov 2023 20:59:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Reputation News Archives - Reputation Sciences 32 32 Reputation Defender Can’t Manage Their Own Online Reputation Fri, 14 Apr 2023 15:19:13 +0000 Reputation Defender and Reputation Management Services from leading companies often seem great on the surface. But what is hiding underneath? If you’re questioning who you can trust with your online reputation, reach out to us. Our transparent methods and dedicated service are just a call away, ready to give you the peace of mind you […]

The post Reputation Defender Can’t Manage Their Own Online Reputation appeared first on Reputation Sciences.

Reputation Defender and Reputation Management Services from leading companies often seem great on the surface. But what is hiding underneath? If you’re questioning who you can trust with your online reputation, reach out to us. Our transparent methods and dedicated service are just a call away, ready to give you the peace of mind you deserve. Give us a call at (844) 458-6735.

The Search Engine Optimization field, particularly Online Reputation Management, can be a minefield.

Due to the industry not being regulated, certain marketing firms can make unsupported claims, charge unreasonably high rates, and most importantly, not follow through on promises. This can result in unsuspecting customers losing thousands of dollars with nothing to show. This article will review Reputation Defender (, a notable member in the field of online reputation management. If you are looking for a full-service reputation management company, you should consider

Who and What is ReputationDefender?

Reputation Defender is an ORM firm based in Redwood City, California, founded by Michael Fertik in 2006. They are a subsidiary of, with both operating separately from each other. Learn more The company has received various investments ranging in value. They received a series of investments in 2008 that eventually totaled $41 Million by 2011. In 2018, the company was acquired by Stagwell Group

As 2021 kicks-off, ReputationDefender is widely promoting its services. You may have seen their commercials on TV or heard them through the radio.

With a large enough budget, this is, of course, achievable. To the average consumer in need of online reputation services, the company may seem like the first option after seeing their numerous advertisements. They are one of the only companies that promote these types of services to the masses.

Let’s discuss a few of the industry world’s hard truths, the secrets that corporate ORM firms like ReputationDefender and won’t tell you.

The Challenges With Online Reputation Management

Everyone should realize that improving an online reputation is far from easy. Every campaign is unique and each requires a different method. You must also follow Google’s guidelines. Not only that, but the algorithm is continually evolving. If the reputation strategy isn’t adapting with it, the results will not be there. 

Not every solution works for everyone, and ORM firms’ strategies must continuously be updated to match new guidelines, which leads us to the second hard truth. 

Reputation Defender: Is There A Desire to Succeed? 

Consider this: If these large companies get you the results you desire in 3 months, what does that mean? You stop paying them.  If they could stretch that time into 12 months, or even 24 months, knowing that they can achieve results in less time and cost, wouldn’t they do so?

This seems to be the business model for ReputationDefender, which we will discuss below. Without industry regulation and a lack of focus on genuine results, they will continue to operate this way and profit from it, regardless of their success with online cleanups. 

Online Reviews For ReputationDefender 

You would expect that a reputation management company would have an excellent reputation online. However, this isn’t the case for ReputationDefender. If you Google “ReputationDefender reviews,” you will find these especially startling results on the first page: If you plan on spending thousands of dollars on these services, research the company first. 

You would think that the company would prioritize having a reliable and clean reputation.  It begs the question: Do they not care? Do they not know how to manage their reputation?

Another Look at What People Are Saying

Let’s take a look at other online reviews and what people are saying about the company. From an outside perspective, it generally looks like people do not have good experiences.


BBB reviews on Reputation Defender

Better Business Bureau relies on people to leave complaints or reviews for any business with substandard practices or behaviors. Businesses can then respond to any complaints or questions to have them resolved. For ReputationDefender, there are multiple complaints that were left unanswered.

PissedConsumer is a site that allows you to anonymously leave a review about a company. ReputationDefender currently has a 1.4 rating out of 5 over 34 reviews. One of the most helpful reviews, with 39 approvals, was posted in 2018:

After consulting with Reputation Defender over negative listings, I decided to go with another company but started receiving RD’s promotional emails. I had made great progress pushing the links down with the help of another company, but in only a few hours the negative links rocketed to page 1 shortly before receiving offers from Reputation Defender.

It took several months to rebuild my reputation, but then coinciding with each email from Reputation Defender, the negative links rocketed back to page 1. Coincidence? I have heard many others say the same thing, but I could not believe it until I experienced it. What they are apparently doing is programming an SEO to boost negative reviews of listings you provide to them to coincide with their marketing program. I do not have proof per se, but this is clearly a comment complaint with this company.

This has jeopardized my job and made all my efforts and expenses wasted. Many others have said the same thing. RD, you would make more money if you actually helped people instead of jeopardizing their livelihood.

To all others looking to hire this company: WARNING! Do not even consult with their reps about negative listings. They will use the negative listings you create against you to market their program, extort money, or otherwise justify the business need for them.


Let’s look at some of the positive reviews on and the numerous 1-star ratings by customers. Here is a brief clip from a review written in December 2020:

The free offer is just to get your information to try and sell you an unneeded internet service. The information they collected was insufficient to identify me from others with my name. When they contacted me and I said their system is garbage, the response was “It’s just a google search of your name!”. Yes they used the exclamation mark in their response.

Another from July of 2020 states:

This reputation review was a joke. There was no specific personal information ever given, yet I was scored as a ‘D’ with no evidence presented.

One of the original reviews from 2014 goes more in depth: I hired Reputation Defender to try and suppress a bad reviewer that had surfaced on a high-ranking website. I was assured that if I paid $5000, the negative site would be buried by other high-ranking sites. A year later and not only has the negative site been moved in rankings, but there has been no sign of any work on behalf of ReputationDefender. There is no trace of anything that they could even take credit for as far as any type of promotion to my website regardless of not helping me suppress a bad review.

Suggestions If You Decide To Use ReputationDefender

We understand that many people choose ReputationDefender to help with their online concerns. After reading the reviews above, that may change. If you decide to give them a chance to improve and protect your reputation, here are a few pointers to make sure you are getting your money’s worth:

Ask About Their Strategies

If they don’t have custom strategies available for your campaign, they likely are not acting in your best interest.

Ask For Proof of Work

There should be detailed work happening in various sectors. They should be building websites, profiles, blogs, and creating excellent content. 

Ask About Their Success Rates

Ask how often they have success for clients. If needed to answer them, direct them to this article that shows their apparent lack of success.

Forget Reputation Defender: Try this company out instead: 


The NetReputation brand has perfected the art after countless hours of creating successful reputation campaigns. We set out to be the front-runner of the industry. Clarity, affordability, and, most importantly, honesty sets us apart from these other firms. We would be happy to help with your online situation. Our technical team takes pride in succeeding in these campaigns. Our business model is based on results. Don’t let your online reputation management be a leap of faith. With our proven track record, we invite you to see the difference for yourself. Contact us today for a free reputation analysis and take the first step towards a flawless online presence.

Contact us today at (844) 458-6735 for a free analysis. Thank you for reading, and remember to share this with anyone you know who has considered using NetReputation for their personal brand and online reputation.

The post Reputation Defender Can’t Manage Their Own Online Reputation appeared first on Reputation Sciences.

7 Tips to Remove Negative News Articles Fri, 25 Feb 2022 02:00:00 +0000 Negative press is a major blow to your online reputation. Here are our best tips on how to remove negative news articles.

The post 7 Tips to Remove Negative News Articles appeared first on Reputation Sciences.

Managing your business online can be tricky at times but add reputation management to the mix and it can quickly become overwhelming. Trying to remove negative news articles, specifically, can feel like an uphill battle at times.

But with a few simple tips, you can start cleaning up your online presence and improve your business’s reputation.

Read on to discover seven easy ways to remove negative news articles.

7 Quick Tips to Get Negative News Off Google

1. Contact the website or publication where the article is published.

There’s a good chance that the website or publication will remove the article if you ask nicely. Remember to be polite and professional in your correspondence.

2. Write a rebuttal article.

If you feel like the negative news article is inaccurate or unfair, write a rebuttal to straighten the record. This can help clear up any misconceptions and improve your reputation.

If you see a negative news article with a picture of your business, use Google reverse image search to find the photo’s original source. Once you have the source, you can contact them and ask them to remove the photo from their website.

4. Contact the author of the article.

If you have an issue with something the author said, contact them and explain your side of the story. Chances are, they’ll be more likely to revise or remove the article if you provide them with new information.

5. Use Google Alerts to track mentions of your business.

Google Alerts is a free tool that notifies you when your business is mentioned online. This can help you track negative news articles and take action as soon as possible.

6. Use an Online Reputation Management firm.

If all else fails, you may need to bring in the big guns and hire a PR firm to help remove the negative news articles for you.

7. Keep a positive attitude.

Ultimately, the best way to remove negative news articles is to have a positive attitude and stay focused on your goals. Remember that bad publicity is still publicity and try not to let it get you down.

How to Handle Authors and Publications Specifically

In some cases, you may need to contact the article’s author or the publication where the negative news content was published. When contacting an author, be sure to:

– Remain polite and professional

– Be clear about what you’d like them to do (revise, remove, etc.)

– Provide any relevant information or documents that support your case

When contacting a publication, be sure to:

– Remain polite and professional

– Explain the issue in detail

– Provide any relevant information or documents that support your case

When you email the author, you can follow this email script. It may or may not work, but it’s best to keep this level of professionalism and politeness.

Email script:

“Hi (author name),

How are you? Hope all is well. I’m (your name), (your title if you have one), and (company name).

I’m a regular reader of your content at (blog name) and I’ve always loved the value in your posts. Thanks for giving your audience, including me, insightful content.

However, in a recent post you mentioned (state the inaccuracy about your business here). This is incorrect and gives our company a bad reputation and name.

(Place the URL of the blog post here)

I’m kindly asking and hoping you will edit your blog post and remove the false information that I just highlighted above. Or you could remove the blog post completely. If you rather, you could add a special tag to it that will ensure Google will skip the blog post, but still allow your readers to see it. The tag I’m referring to is called NoIndex tag; your webmaster can add it in seconds.

I’m more than happy to discuss this with you in further detail if you have any questions.

I’d really appreciate if you can make this change quickly as it’s really hurting our company.


(your name)

(company name)”

Try not to ever be overly aggressive in your first contact with the author. You can change the script based on your needs. Keep in mind that some publications won’t allow their contributors to edit or remove posts once they have been published so you may need to contact the editor or even publisher.

If you have to contact the editor to remove the content:

If the author refuses, doesn’t respond, or simply doesn’t have the authority to make these changes then you will have to contact the editor. You can almost always find the editor’s contact information on the contact page of the website. You can also find them via their social media pages. Be sure to remain polite with the editor.

If you have to contact the publication

If you try to contact the author and editor, and either they don’t respond or aren’t able to make the change, you can take legal action against the publication that published incorrect and negative news stories about your company.

If you decide to go ahead with this approach, you’re going to need documented evidence to prove your case, which can be complex to achieve. You may also need legal assistance when it comes to this type of case.

There is usually a sensible approach you can take; you can work with an online reputation management company that can take on the hurdle so you can focus on the business side of things.

In most cases, threatening the publication with some sort of legal action usually works. However, it can also make the situation worse.

If you follow these tips, you’ll have a better chance of getting negative newspaper articles online removed from the web. Remember to stay positive and focused on your goals, and you’ll be on your way to a better reputation.

Why You Should Try to Remove Negative News Articles About You

Most business owners know that having a negative article about you is bad for business. Not only can it hurt your reputation, but it can also lead to decreased sales and fewer customers. But why should you go to all the trouble of removing them? Here are four reasons:

1. It’s the right thing to do.

If you’re running a legitimate business, you should want to do everything in your power to clear your name and protect your reputation. Negative news articles can damage both of these things, so it’s in your best interest to remove them.

2. It can help improve your search engine rankings.

If you have a lot of negative news articles about you, it’s going to be difficult for people to find your website on Google. But by removing them, you can improve your rankings on search engines and make it easier for potential customers to find you.

3. It can help improve your customer perception.

When potential customers see negative news articles about you, it can create a negative perception of your business. You can show your potential customers that you’re a credible and trustworthy business by removing them.

4. It can help boost your sales.

Negative news articles about your business can have a severe impact on your bottom line. By removing them, you can potentially see an increase in sales as people start to trust you again

4 Options to Monitor all News Articles About Your Business

It’s nearly impossible to keep track of all the news articles published about your business online. That’s why it’s important to use a tool and some tips that can help you monitor them.

Option 1. Create Google alerts

A google alert is a handy tool that will send its users an alert when a certain keyword appears in a Google search. This tool is free and simple to set up. You will be able to decide which keyword(s) to monitor. Some ideas could be your real name and your business name. You can also change the settings for how often you want to receive alerts.

All you have to do is enter a topic you want to follow in the bar, click the gear symbol, and it will customize your alert preferences.

Option 2. Check yourself out on Google in Incognito Mode

If you Google your business or yourself, it can be an easy way to see if there are any negative reviews, embarrassing mugshots, or even news articles about you.

You can search for this by using the incognito mode on your favorite browser. Incognito mode means that the search ends up being private, and it will not save your history, cookies, or cache.

Option 3. Use SocialMention

SocialMention is a free online tool that allows you to monitor user-generated content across the web. This includes blogs, microblogs, comments, bookmarks, etc. You can use this tool to track your business or your name.

You can also use it to track other keywords related to your business. This is a great way to see what people are saying about your business online.

Option 4. Keep up on your social media presence

One of the best ways to keep track of any negative news articles about your business is to keep up with your social media presence. This includes Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

If you’re using social media for your business, you should be following your company name as well as any other keywords that are related to your industry. This will help you stay up to date on any negative news articles that might be published about you.

How to Contact Google if You Need Negative Articles Removed

If you have attempted to remove negative articles from the internet yourself and have not had any success, you can contact Google.

There are two ways to do this:

1. You can fill out a form on their website.

2. You can email them at

In order to increase your chances of having the article removed, you will need to provide as much information as possible. This includes the URL of the article, the title of the article, and why you believe it should be removed.

It’s important to keep in mind that Google is not responsible for content on the web, and they will only remove articles if they violate their terms of service.

Will Google Even Remove a Negative News Article from Search?

Google is not responsible for content on the web. This means that they will not remove an article from their search results just because you ask them to.

In order to have a negative news article removed from Google, it must violate their terms of service. This includes being untrue, malicious, or spammy in nature.

If you feel like an article about your business violates Google’s terms of service, you can contact them and provide as much information as possible. They will review the article and decide if it should be removed from their search engine results pages (SERPs).

When It’s Time to Work with a Lawyer to Remove the Negative News Article from Google search results

If you have tried to remove a negative news article from Google yourself and have not had any success, it might be time to work with a lawyer.

There are two main reasons why you would need to work with a lawyer:

1. The article is damaging your business and you need it removed immediately.

2. The article is causing you emotional distress and you would like it removed.

In both of these cases, a lawyer can help you remove the article from Google’s search results. They will be able to send a cease-and-desist letter to the website owner or to Google themselves.

It’s important to keep in mind that this is not an easy process, and it can be expensive. You will need to provide the lawyer with as much information as possible, including the URL of the article and the title of the article.

If you are considering hiring a lawyer to help you remove a negative news article from Google, it’s important to do your research first. There are many lawyers who claim to be able to do this, but not all of them are experienced in this area. You should ask the lawyer for references and contact those references to see if they were happy with the results.

What Type of Lawyer Can Help to Remove Negative News Articles on Google?

There are many different types of lawyers who can help you remove a negative news article from Google. This includes libel lawyers, defamation lawyers, and intellectual property lawyers.

It’s important to work with a lawyer who has experience in this area and knows the best way to proceed. If you’re not sure which type of lawyer you need, you can contact a law firm and ask for advice. They will be able to recommend a lawyer who is experienced in removing negative news articles from Google.

Wrapping It Up

Removing a negative news article from Google can be a difficult process. If you have tried to do it yourself and have not had any success, you might want to consider working with a lawyer.

Keep in mind that this is not an easy process, and it can be expensive. You will need to provide the lawyer with as much information as possible, including the URL of the article and the title of the article.

If you are considering hiring a lawyer, it’s important to do your research first. There are many lawyers who claim to be able to do this, but not all of them are experienced in this area.

Don’t give up on the process to get the negative news articles removed from Google. If you have the time and resources, it’s best to try and do it yourself first. But if that doesn’t work, don’t hesitate to reach out for help.

Ready to learn more about online reputation management? Click here for more information.

The post 7 Tips to Remove Negative News Articles appeared first on Reputation Sciences.

Reputation Management Consultants: Here’s What to Know Fri, 25 Jun 2021 15:03:23 +0000 Want can the right reputation management consultants do for your business? Contact a reputation expert today to learn more. As every good entrepreneur knows, branding is key to success. Branding means projecting an image of your company that is consistent, pleasing to your audience, and which suggests a specific, agreeable personality. Many brands have a […]

The post Reputation Management Consultants: Here’s What to Know appeared first on Reputation Sciences.

Want can the right reputation management consultants do for your business? Contact a reputation expert today to learn more.

As every good entrepreneur knows, branding is key to success. Branding means projecting an image of your company that is consistent, pleasing to your audience, and which suggests a specific, agreeable personality.

Many brands have a mascot, which is a clear representation of a company’s identity. The job of reputation management consultants is to make sure your brand identity is both positive and accurate.

Of course, the first and most important step in brand reputation management is great customer service. You do that. But every merchant and vendor will eventually encounter a customer they cannot please.

When that happens, bad reviews and posts appear, and the damage to your reputation can spread like wildfire.

That’s where our team of professional reputation management consultants comes in.

Threats to Your Brand Reputation

for most consumers, checking online reviews is essential before buying a product. Every good product review advice column and best-of article advises readers to check reviews before making a purchase.

That means your products and services are certain to be accumulating reviews.

We’ve all heard about customers leaving blistering reviews out of spite. Unfortunately, some people leave bad reviews for the feeling of power it gives them.

These represent the first point of business for any good reputation management service. Hence, our online reputation consultant will eliminate threats to your business’s reputation. 

Security Breaches

Any time hackers compromise your customer’s data, it raises an enormous red flag. Understandably, anyone who suffers any kind of fraud, abuse, or identity theft connected to a transaction they made with you will avoid you like the plague.

Likewise, anyone they share their story with will also avoid your company. You may be 100% fair and honest. But just a handful of security breaches can be enough to damage your reputation permanently. However, our team of reputation consultant consists of reputation management experts that can give you tips on how to tighten your security.

Toxic Corporate Culture

If the people who represent you don’t do their part to promote a positive image of your brand it can be a serious problem for your brand reputation.

It’s important to give your team the incentives and the training they need to present themselves to your audience in a way that is positive and on-brand.

Viral Customer Complaints

When a potential customer searches online reviews before buying, it can take just one negative review to put them off. If your product or service serves a niche audience, you may have only a few reviews. This amplifies the power of that one 1/2-star review.

But, the right reputation management strategy can target that one bad review and deliver great results.

Negative Social Media Attention

Mitigating the damage of bad reviews is relatively simple compared to bad word-of-mouth commentary on social media. Bad reviews and comments can be very difficult to find and deal with on social media.

Dedicated reputation management consultants can do this labor-intensive work and help turn the conversation around on major social platforms.

Reputation Management Techniques

There are things you can do to manage your brand reputation.

Engaging with the public on social media and responding to public posts with solutions is one of the most effective methods.

Reputation management services focus largely on this very thing. The reason these services are valuable is that experienced reputation management professionals understand the flow of viral posting. This enables them to track the conversation and mitigate reputational damage at its final destination.

Perhaps more important than this is the fact that reputation management consultants work in teams full-time to achieve real results on a scale that makes a measurable difference. Your online reputation consultant team will have access to your business and develop ways to restore your reputation.

The alternative is to spend all of your free time scouring the Internet, hoping to catch a few bad posts. No one person could ever perform a thorough brand reputation management audit alone. But a trained team of web-rep professionals can. Here’s how we do it.

Reputation Audit

The first step in any complete reputation repair and management job is to survey the conversation surrounding your brand. Our reputation technicians will find out what is being said about you. We identify what is being said that is off-brand, and where these conversations take place.

We then search out, categorize, and monitor potential vectors of spread for off-brand posts and commentary.

Branding Repair

Once a bad post is found, repairing the damage done is straightforward. This is done by offering a positive response to the negative feedback. Most readers understand that any good company will make mistakes and encounter problems.

That’s why offering an apology and a service solution to a dissatisfied customer on their post is so powerful. We tell them in a public forum that the problem is regrettable and offer them workable solutions to the transaction gone awry.

The most important benefit of this step is not the restoration of the loyalty of the one customer, though that is important. It’s the restoration of the loyalty and the potential engagement of those who see the interaction and recognize a meaningful attempt at reparative customer service.

Demographic Narrative Monitoring

Once we track down and smooth out viral negativity, our team begins the steady work of monitoring review sites, pages, and social media groups where commentary on your brand has been known to appear.

This includes regular broad searches for new sources of negative word-of-mouth commentary and performing reputational maintenance where it appears.

Oftentimes, it’s just one viral, negative post that does the brunt of the harm. When we engage those posts with positivity and responsive service, it will do wonders for your brand image.

Now, let’s talk about the benefits of working with professional reputation management consultants.

The Benefits of Working With a High-Quality Reputation Management Team

The benefits of a good reputation are not hard to discern. In business, however, we want to be able to predict, track, measure, and translate the benefits into meaningful messaging that we can share with clients, partners, and investors.

So, when partners and supporters ask you why you are investing in reputation management, here’s what you can tell them.

Improved Marketing Effectiveness 

Let’s face it, nothing can shoot down an outreach campaign faster than bad word-of-mouth. If the negative messaging isn’t dealt with properly, it will create a lasting and measurable drag on your growth results.

However, when coupled with the right response from you and your representatives, a bad review can even help your reputation. You see, your customers are smart. They know things go wrong in transactions as a matter of course.

When you provide a constructive response to a negative post or review, it lets your best prospective customers see how you deal with the toughest customer service challenges. In reality, bad reviews and comments are an opportunity to make your online reputation truly bulletproof.

The challenge is to find all of the most effective negative messages and to respond to them. That’s where we come in.

Greater Trust 

The friendships, families, businesses, communities, and whole nations run on trust. Without trust, organizations collapse. Protecting and improving your brand reputation is the most important way to guard the trust between you and those whose trust matters most- your customers.

But of course, our mission isn’t to merely maintain the trust of your clients and customers but to grow it. After all, growth depends on financial success, and money is a symbolic representation of trust. In other words, trust equals success.

Higher Profits 

If you want a measurable metric for success, you can’t ask for a better one than greater profit margins. You could look at the studies, and you could ask us, but we’ll leave it to you to look at our reviews.

Time and again, our teams have shown with their work that protecting reputations is a proven and reliable way to get the results you’re looking for. As your company grows, and as your reputation grows brighter, you’ll find it easier and easier to meet the challenges to your reputation.

Remedying customer complaints, providing superior customer service, and responding with constructive positivity will all become easier. After all, success breeds success, and positivity nurtures trust.

Finding Better Talent 

We mentioned the potential effect an undesirable corporate culture can have on your brand reputation. Well, just as positivity breeds success, a glowing reputation will attract talented professionals who are motivated to represent your organization in a positive light.

Finding the Right Reputation Management Partner

Doing reputation management right is a full-time job. It’s one that many energetic and sincere business owners try to do on their own. Inevitably, this leads to valuable time and energy taken away from doing what they do best.

Even worse results can be expected by working with reputation management consultants who don’t have the training, the staff, the resources, or the expertise to do the heavy lifting and delicate work needed to guard against reputation damage effectively.

That’s why the people at Reputation Sciences are committed to providing you with credible credentials, verifiable success metrics, and the reviews of our many satisfied clients. After all, our reputation depends on our ability to nurture your reputation – and that’s not a ball we’re willing to drop.

To learn more about the powerful advantages of world-class online reputation management services, get in touch with the professionals at Let us help you build the reputation you’re working for. Call Us Today to learn more about our Online Reputation Management Solutions – ReputationSciences is owned by

The post Reputation Management Consultants: Here’s What to Know appeared first on Reputation Sciences.

Reputation Management for Glassdoor: How It Can Help Your Business Fri, 18 Jun 2021 15:20:00 +0000 We provide reputation management for Glassdoor solutions to repair your reputation and help your brand thrive online. Call 844-458-6735 today to learn more.  When was the last time you searched for a new job? If it’s been a while, you might be unfamiliar with the modern approach. Almost all applications and recruitment happens online, and […]

The post Reputation Management for Glassdoor: How It Can Help Your Business appeared first on Reputation Sciences.

We provide reputation management for Glassdoor solutions to repair your reputation and help your brand thrive online. Call 844-458-6735 today to learn more. 

When was the last time you searched for a new job? If it’s been a while, you might be unfamiliar with the modern approach. Almost all applications and recruitment happens online, and major web services handle the bulk of the work.

Many people searching for a job will investigate a company when they apply for a position. They will look at employee reviews of the business to see if it’s somewhere they would like to work, and for that, many turn to Glassdoor.

Glassdoor is a review site that allows individuals to find honest assessments of many major companies, and if your reviews are bad, it will cause problems. That’s why many businesses invest in reputation management for Glassdoor.

What Can Glassdoor Reputation Management Do for a Business?

In short, good reputation management saves money. Depending on the size of the company, bad reviews harm the bottom line in major ways. They can complicate recruitment and add major obstacles to filling positions.

That raises recruitment costs and the pain of turnover. Bad reviews also extend vacancy times for positions. This can lower revenue when critical roles are unfilled.

Glassdoor has over 50 million users each month. That’s a massive labor pool, and maintaining a good reputation expedites your search for good candidates.

Damage to your reputation complicates things and adds difficulty to candidate searches.

In general, reputation management for Glassdoor aids your brand.

With the right Glassdoor strategy, you can:

  • Lower employee turnover by empowering you to find the right people to fill each role in the company
  • Prevent revenue-killing obstacles from arising
  • Lower recruitment costs
  • Promote employee satisfaction by helping you to find recruits who fit well within the company culture and their specific job roles

Tips to Help Reputation Management for Glassdoor

Reputation management is a big undertaking, but these three tips can help you along the way.

Strategize Responses

Reviews drive the entire Glassdoor engine. In order to foster a positive reputation on the site, you need a good plan of action.

First, designate a person or team to the task of responding to reviews. Negative reviews are inevitable, and addressing them helps your brand.

You must empower your review team to address and resolve issues mentioned in reviews. This is the best way to turn a negative review positive. Success in this respect requires a good approach.

You cannot argue your way out of negative reviews. Defensiveness and fighting never help.

Even if a negative review is completely bogus (we’ll discuss this in detail later), an unprofessional response harms your company image. Defensiveness is never useful.

Instead, approach reviews as a way to engage with genuine criticism and better the company and its processes. Own your imperfections and strive to be better.

Express Your Brand Story

Glassdoor encourages you to provide regular updates on the site. Each update gives you 1,000 characters and a photo. Use those resources. These updates allow you to present the company in whatever light you choose.

Tell a story. Let people know who you are and what your company is about. Craft a narrative that is relatable and really captures the essence of the company and its culture.

This is arguably the most important component of reputation management for Glassdoor. It allows prospects to determine for themselves if they’re a good fit for your business.

Get Employees and Candidates Involved

Glassdoor is about storytelling and reviews.

You cannot manage your reputation without content. Encourage employees and candidates to tell their stories on the site.

More importantly, promote organic responses. If you try to dictate what people say, it will be obvious to readers. It’s also a violation of Glassdoor policy and can create major headaches.

You also must exercise caution with incentives. Incentivizing employees to leave good reviews can cross Glassdoor policy. Encouraging employees to leave honest reviews is usually fine.

Go over Glassdoor’s guidelines on all of it, and you can find an appropriate way to help foster review generation.

Are Glassdoor Reviews Reliable?

Considering the investment you are contemplating, it’s important to know if Glassdoor is reliable at all. In general, it’s a great way to see how employees and candidates feel about their experiences with a company. That’s invaluable to people searching for jobs and businesses alike.

You want to know how people feel about your hiring processes and working for you. Those are important metrics.

Reputation management for Glassdoor is valuable because people tend to trust the site. That said, no system is perfect.

With Glassdoor, there is an issue with review reliability, and understanding that will help you strategize your reputation management.

It’s easy to imagine that an employee could be justifiably fired and then write an unfair bad review about it. It’s equally easy to imagine an employer that bribes employees to write unmerited good reviews.

There are plenty of motivations for an unreliable review, and they absolutely show up on Glassdoor. What can you trust, and what can you do about it?

First, reviews become more reliable when there are a lot of them. This tends to favor larger organizations, but it’s just how averages work.

It’s difficult for a handful of dishonest people to overwhelm large numbers of honest reviews. That’s why review generation is so important.

You can also test an individual review for reliability by asking some grounded questions.

Has the person or account posted a lot of reviews? That’s typically a red flag whether the review is positive or negative. Does the review offer fair points? Is the ratio of reviews proportional to the size of the company?

A bakery with five employees probably shouldn’t have hundreds of Glassdoor reviews.

When you understand how these bad reviews can persist, it informs how you use Glassdoor. It also leads to a few more important questions.

Can You Remove Negative Reviews on Glassdoor?

You might assume that reputation management for Glassdoor includes removing bad reviews. Unfortunately, that is not a direct or reliable process. Glassdoor does take down reviews, but they have to meet specific criteria. For the most part, a review is removed only when it clearly violates Glassdoor guidelines.

So, the first step to removing a bad review is exploring the guidelines. When you understand the rules, you can identify violations. When you do identify such a problem, you can flag the review (which will be explained in detail in a moment).

This will alert Glassdoor, and they will take another look.

If they agree that the review violates policy, they will remove it. But if they disagree, it will persist.

If Glassdoor sides against you, your only option is to go to court, and in most cases, that won’t be worth the time and money. An exceptionally damaging and unfair review might be worth your time. In that case, consult your attorney.

How Do You Report Fake Reviews on Glassdoor?

Most reviews that get removed are fake or similarly unfair. If you think one of your reviews is fraudulent, the best path forward is to flag the content. You will find the option to flag a review below its content (the button looks like a flag).

Once you do, you will be presented with options. These options identify why you are flagging the review.

Those reasons include things like false information, violating guidelines, the review is for the wrong company and a handful of other choices. Once you select the reason, you get your chance to explain your side of the story (some choices do not trigger a text box).

Be thorough and site policy violations when possible. Click “submit” and the flag will go to the Glassdoor review team. From there, it is in their hands.

How Do You Unlock Glassdoor Reviews?

All of this sounds great, but there is a necessary step that precludes everything. Before you can use the services — much less invest in reputation management for Glassdoor — you have to be an active member.

Glassdoor has an interesting policy regarding its systems. In order to access their content, you have to contribute to it.

Unlocking reviews is easy, but you have to follow these steps. First, create your account. It’s free, but they will require contact information (like any other internet service). Once you are logged in to your account, you will be prompted to rate a company and describe your experience.

Glassdoor calls this their “give to get” policy. When you write a review, you get unlimited access to Glassdoor content for one year. After the year is up, you have to write another review to stay in the fold.

It’s easy to understand why this is important at the user end. From the perspective of a company being reviewed, knowing the process informs your management strategy. You can better cultivate good reviews when you know how it all works.

Reputation management for Glassdoor is a major project. If you want to get serious about it, you need good help.

You can find that help with Reputation Sciences. Contact us today at 844-458-6735. We will discuss your options and get you on the road to a good reputation management strategy. You can enlist our services, and you will find recruitment to be a more effective and efficient process.

You’ll benefit from the positive aspects of reputation management and reap the rewards.

Meta Description: Reputation Management for Glassdoor can help with recruitment and save money. Contact us to see how it works. Call Us Today to learn more about our Online Reputation Management Solutions – ReputationSciences is owned by

The post Reputation Management for Glassdoor: How It Can Help Your Business appeared first on Reputation Sciences.

Corporate Reputation Management Thu, 10 Jun 2021 01:22:43 +0000 Corporate Reputation: How Does Your Company Measure Up? That’s a pretty open-ended question. Particularly if you haven’t taken a serious look at your company reputation and the perception you’re creating within your office and throughout the public sphere. Below, we look into what reputation really means for your business, why your corporate image is so […]

The post Corporate Reputation Management appeared first on Reputation Sciences.

Corporate Reputation: How Does Your Company Measure Up?

That’s a pretty open-ended question. Particularly if you haven’t taken a serious look at your company reputation and the perception you’re creating within your office and throughout the public sphere. Below, we look into what reputation really means for your business, why your corporate image is so important, and how to build the corporate reputation management strategy your brand needs to thrive in today’s fast-paced climate. If you are interested in improving your corporate reputation contact today. 

What Is Corporate Reputation?

Corporate reputation is best defined as the overall quality of your brand’s footprint across every communication channel and each segment of your target audience. 

Cultivated over time, your company’s reputation is the sum of how internal and external stakeholders think and feel about your brand. Ultimately, reputation is what shapes how people interact with your business now and in the future. 

Understanding this complex landscape can be challenging. If you’re looking to navigate these waters with ease, our experts are just a phone call away. Reach out to us at (844) 458-6735 to shape a positive interaction for your business now and in the future.

Some of the biggest influences on your company’s reputation include:

Ethical Behavior

How well your company adheres to basic ethical standards during day-to-day operations.

Workplace Culture

Your commitment to employees and maintaining a fair, transparent work environment.

Customer Focus

The value you place on customers, their business, and providing a satisfying customer experience

Social Responsibility

Your organization’s level of engagement in socially responsible business practices.

Service Quality

The consistency and quality of services you provide your customers

Executive Leadership

How well senior leadership represents and promotes your brand and its position in your industry 

Online Presence

The sum of each review, article, and comment about your brand for crucial industry search terms

These factors not only affect your brand image but also how your customers, employees, vendors, investors, competitors, and leaders perceive and engage with your business.

If you aren’t actively working to measure, manage and restore your corporate reputation, you’ll likely strain the relationships you need to remain strong and competitive.

Why Is Corporate Reputation Management Important?

Your corporate reputation is what consumers and organizations know and feel about your company. It’s what drives brand interaction and determines your position in your industry and the market. 

Stakeholders use your reputation to gauge your strengths, scrutinize your weaknesses, and decide where and how far they should go with your business.

Without a positive company reputation, it becomes that much harder to attract new customers, build customer loyalty, or find the talent you need to innovate and manage an effective operation.

A robust corporate reputation:

  • Embodies integrity and generates trust among consumers
  • Strengthens your presence in your industry and online
  • Appeals to high-quality job candidates and improves employee retainment
  • Protects your brand during times of crisis and attack
  • Fortifies an image vendors, suppliers, and partners want to do business with

In short, a good company image is priceless to securing the customers, employees, and executive leaders that will make your organization grow. 

But when bad online reviews, discussion boards, news articles, and social feeds rear their ugly heads, positive brand perception can quickly turn into a public relations nightmare, damaging your brand’s integrity and forcing you to pick up the pieces. 

When that happens, it may be time for a serious assessment of your corporate reputation management approach.

What Is Corporate Reputation Management?

Corporate reputation management is any action your company takes to repair reputation damage and build a strong, positive, and more profitable online presence. 

In a competitive digital environment, an effective corporate reputation management strategy is integral to improving and growing your company’s online presence in search, establishing brand authority, strengthening customer sentiment, and standing out in your industry. 

Elements of a comprehensive and effective brand reputation management include:

  • Identifying every mention of your business across the web
  • Performing a thorough analysis of your digital footprint
  • Singling out threats and removing harmful information
  • Optimizing positive assets already online
  • Creating and curating content that promotes your brand and values
  • Ongoing monitoring and maintenance of your business presence in search

Corporate reputation management isn’t something that happens overnight or that you can do just once before tackling that next agenda item. It requires dedication and a nuanced approach tailored to your unique brand. For a detailed discussion on how this applies to your company, let’s start the conversation. Contact us today and let us tailor a strategy that suits your needs.

Business reputation repair and restoration is an ongoing behavior, a process requiring a significant commitment of time, resources, and expertise to ensure you’re delivering a message of impact and authority to your audience every day.

How To Measure And Manage Your Company Reputation

corporate reputation management strategy

Building an effective corporate reputation management strategy is fundamental to maximizing opportunity and avoiding online catastrophe.

To measure and manage your business reputation, take steps to:

1. Assemble a Good Team 

Managing your company reputation isn’t merely about responding to a bad review or marketing your brand on social media. It’s about building brand resiliency, visibility, and impact across each facet of your online presence. And doing so in a way that guarantees your voice and integrity are maintained and reinforced along the way. 

Such an effort is not only time-consuming but often requires the work of multiple professionals in wide-ranging disciplines, including:

While you may be tempted to go it alone, building a more positive business reputation across each layer of your digital presence is best done as a team. Without the right level of expertise and personnel guiding your corporate reputation management strategy, you’ll likely miss valuable opportunities and leave your business vulnerable to attack, creating problems that become even more costly over time.

2. Audit Your Online Presence

Do you know the full extent and reach of your corporate reputation online? 

Chances are, your online footprint is bigger than you think. By performing a comprehensive audit of your online presence, your team will have a much better idea of your brand’s size and reach on the web. Plus, they’ll also get a more detailed picture of every article, review, and social mention impacting the quality of your reputation.

When done correctly, an exhaustive digital audit will reveal: 

  • All positive, negative, and neutral mentions of your business and related brands
  • Every customer and employee review of your business currently on the web
  • News items, blogs, and comment sections mentioning your corporate brand online. 
  • Your presence across all claimed and unclaimed business profiles
  • How your company appears for important industry and brand-related search phrases

Once you’ve collected the data and identified each element comprising your online brand, the next step in your corporate reputation management strategy should be to:

3. Conduct In-Depth Research On Your Brand

Information is great. But without an in-depth examination and analysis of your brand’s online data, your team won’t have a solid foundation for building a sustainable or effective corporate reputation management strategy—or to build the positive business reputation needed to achieve more profitable outcomes.

A complete quantitative and qualitative analysis of your company’s unique online data helps provide key insight into:

  • Existing threats to your brand reputation and integrity. This includes the impact of bad customer reviews, consumer complaints, negative news articles, and social media.
  • The consistency of your brand and business online, such as how well you’re conveying your message and adding value to key demographics.
  • Brand awareness and impact across local, regional, and national segments of the population.
  • Your full online review profile. From your aggregate review rating to review interaction and frequency; to the total impact each review has during searches of your business.
  • Overall customer sentiment regarding your business and related brands within the corporate umbrella.
  • Opportunities for outreach, improvement, and growth that can help restore your company’s reputation for important industry search phrases.

All in all, with a thorough, stand-alone evaluation of your business presence online, your corporate reputation management team is better equipped to take the next step:

4.  Perform a Competitive Analysis

Knowing how you measure up against competitors isn’t just good business practice. It’s also an integral component of corporate reputation management, providing a crucial perspective that can highlight brand strengths, weaknesses, and online opportunities you may have missed otherwise. 

A competitive reputation analysis examines not only how top competitors are performing for high-volume search terms. But, also, how they look across online review sites and popular social platforms. It can also deliver important, actionable data on the consistency of your competitor’s brand messaging, current levels of brand awareness, and the quality of sentiment they’re generating among vital segments of your audience.

With KPIs and insights into competitor performance and reputation, you can more accurately size up how your business is faring against local and national competitors on major search engines. 

This will help you identify areas in which your brand is doing well and where you may be falling behind. And once you know how your brand is stacking up, you can use that info to develop a more informed and impactful ORM strategy that sharpens your edge on the web.

5. Build Your Reputation Roadmap

Now that your team has gathered data, researched your presence, and vetted your competitors, it’s time to map out a solid plan of action. This roadmap will not only enable and enhance brand impact but will provide the building blocks for creating an impenetrable, yet adaptable, firewall around your corporate reputation. 

Based on what you’ve uncovered during the data collection and analysis process, your corporate reputation management strategy will likely include such critical elements as:

Negative Information Removal

Removing or suppressing harmful news items, blogs, and complaints from search results is crucial for building a more positive company reputation. Removal strategies depend heavily on the traffic, authority, and relevance of each unique link. Sometimes it can take months, 1-2 years, or more to push content out of search. 

So, your team must incorporate a detailed plan for mitigating such threats and restoring a positive search presence.

Review Management

Online reviews are often the biggest offenders when it comes to smearing your company’s reputation and impacting your bottom line. 

A strong review management solution is not only recommended but essential for reducing the impact of bad reviews and optimizing your overall review presence. 

Be sure your reputation repair efforts prioritize review management and best practices for responding to customer reviews online.

Content Marketing

Quality content development and marketing is a critical piece of the corporate reputation management puzzle. 

Creating and curating content across the web helps bulk up your digital presence and solidify brand authority and relevance in your industry. In turn, this reinforces your position as a company both consumers and stakeholders can trust and want to do business with.

Social Media Management

Issues on social platforms can quickly spiral out of control. If your CRM plan doesn’t include a social presence managing strategy, your reputation might face potential crises, creating damage that can sometimes take years and thousands of dollars to repair.

A proactive, ongoing social management strategy allows you to control the brand conversation while leveraging this powerful way to market, grow, and strengthen your corporate rep. 

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search Engine Optimization is what drives performance and position in search. It’s how your blogs, articles, social threads, and landing pages achieve ranking and visibility for high-volume search terms—and the key to building an online brand reputation that compels customers to action. 

Whether your focus is to rebuild and restore your reputation, increase industry authority or simply improve your conversion rate, well-researched SEO techniques are what make it possible. 

Brand Monitoring And Maintenance

As we stated earlier, good corporate reputation management isn’t something you can do once and simply forget. It’s a constant, long-term plan for ensuring your business reputation and integrity remain intact, and for giving your company the tools to protect itself and pivot whenever new challenges arise.

Vigilant brand monitoring is an essential part of your brand reputation management approach. Not only does active monitoring help ensure your team is aware of new brand mentions when and where they happen. It also lets you react and adapt to new threats quickly, keeping your business reputation on course.

With active, ongoing reputation maintenance, your business ORM team has the framework needed to keep your image fresh and aligned with an ever-changing business climate, where organizations must constantly seek innovative ways to maintain meaningful connections with consumers. Keeping up with the pace of change can be daunting, but you don’t have to do it alone. Our team is ready to assist you in maintaining those meaningful connections. Give us a call today at (844) 458-6735 to preserve the vitality of your corporate reputation.

6. Carefully Execute Your Strategy 

Corporate reputation can be shaped, influenced, and even destroyed by several factors, including a poorly executed reputation management strategy. 

Rolling out your plan too quickly, too slow, or even in the wrong sequence can be counterproductive and costly, sometimes causing damage that can take years and resources to revert. 

building a company’s reputation like a game of chess

Careful, coordinated implementation of your business reputation campaign is the best way to avoid errors and ensure each element works to improve your search presence.

The temptation to rush reputation repair by, say, flooding the web with content, pressuring a third-party removal, or neglecting social marketing opportunities may seem cost-effective in the short term. However, these can have expensive, even devastating long-term consequences from which it may be impossible to recover. 

The design of an effective corporate reputation management plan is integral to protecting your brand now and in the future. But without the right approach to execution, you’re likely putting your strategy and your image at serious risk.

7. Partner With an Expert

Measuring and managing your corporate image is a worthy endeavor. But it can also take a significant amount of time, resources, and expertise to get the job done right, and to ensure your reputation is truly helping your business realize its full potential.

At Reputation Sciences™, we specialize in custom, comprehensive corporate reputation management solutions backed by technology and fueled by expertise. To learn more about CEO Reputation Management 

Our goal is to provide the complete Audit, Reputation, and Monitoring needed to manage online crises more effectively, plus guarantee you’re reaching more customers and outperforming the competition across the web.

Speak to a reputation management pro today by calling 844-458-6735. Call Us Today to learn more about our Online Reputation Management Solutions – ReputationSciences is a brand. 

Learn more about protecting your #corporaterep on our Facebook and Twitter.

The post Corporate Reputation Management appeared first on Reputation Sciences.

Companies With The Best And Worst Reputations In The World, At The Start Of 2023 Thu, 10 Jun 2021 01:21:59 +0000 Which companies have bad reputations, and which are loved by customers? Learn which brands are winning, which companies have bad reputations, and where to find the best reputation company to repair your online image. Or, speak with a Business Reputation Specialist to start improving your corporate reputation today.  Many companies spend years building a positive reputation, […]

The post Companies With The Best And Worst Reputations In The World, At The Start Of 2023 appeared first on Reputation Sciences.

Which companies have bad reputations, and which are loved by customers? Learn which brands are winning, which companies have bad reputations, and where to find the best reputation company to repair your online image.

Or, speak with a Business Reputation Specialist to start improving your corporate reputation today. 

Many companies spend years building a positive reputation, refining their image, and creating a brand that earns trust with customers.

But in an age when bad news travels at lightning speed, even a small issue can spark a major crisis fast. And once it’s out there, that problem can create a headache that may seem impossible to fix.

This can make managing a good corporate reputation a long and painful process. In fact, building a great business reputation usually takes a watchful eye, a lot of hard work, and the help of a top-rated Reputation Management Team.

We work with the Best Reputation Management Company to deliver customized business reputation solutions that empower online success. Our team helps companies with bad reputations get on track.

We use proven ORM methods to remove online threats and help your business reach more customers across the web. Schedule your free initial consultation to start improving your internet reputation today.

catching up who are the companies with bad reputations in 2021

Why is it so hard to manage my brand online?

Bad search results, reviews and online crises don’t always make reputation management easy. In a world driven by online info, where threats can pop up at any time, protecting your brand can sometimes seem impossible.

But even with so much to deal with, there is hope. Choosing the best reputation company not only makes online brand repair possible, it helps put you in control of your online image. Unsure where to start? Let’s talk. Contact us now at (844) 458-6735 to begin crafting a stronger, more resilient online presence for your brand.

The difference between firms doing online reputation repair well and those falling short is remarkable. In other words, it’s not hard to separate the brands people love from those burning their bridges.

companies with bad reputations burning bridges

Looking to rebuild connections and reach more customers online? Call (844)-810-6755 today to speak with the best reputation agency in the industry. 

Learn what goes into corporate reputation, companies with the best and worst reputations of the year and where to find the best reputation company for your business. 

What Goes Into Corporate Reputation?

1. Corporate Culture

Corporate culture involves the behaviors and values that fuel connections between stakeholders and your business. 

How you treat your workforce and customers is central to your corporate culture.

Check out our latest guide on improving your presence and promoting your brand across online review sites. 

2. Social Responsibility

Corporate social responsibility refers to any practice your company performs to improve the community and the world.

These days, companies that don’t focus on social responsibility miss out on making stronger customer connections. Customers have greater expectations than ever and want to deal with companies that share their values.

Socially responsible business practices can include anything from sponsoring charity drives to sourcing materials from eco-friendly suppliers, and more.

3. Company Leadership

Like it or not, company leadership makes up a large chunk of your corporate reputation. How your senior executives, CEO, and management behave has a big impact on customer trust and how people see your brand.

When your leader makes a mistake, an award-winning reputation solution is the best way to clean things up and repair your online image.

4. Financial Performance

Your financials also have a major affect on how stakeholders and customers see your business. Monitoring your financial performance is key to understanding what people think about your brand’s potential.

5. Customer Sentiment

What do customers think and feel about your company? Because so much depends on how customers feel about your brand, sentiment is a key factor in your business reputation.

Want to improve sentiment and engage more customers? Click here to schedule your free business reputation consultation.  

6. Products & Services

Your company is forever tied to your products and services. So, when that latest product launch becomes a hit or hits a dead end, your reputation is going to feel it.

Companies With Good Reputations At The Start Of 2023

companies with good reputations at the beginning of 2021

Want the best reputation in your industry? Get in touch with the best reputation company today

As we start a new decade, many corporate brands are competing for the best reputation title. But only a few really stand out as “best of the best.

Here are the five companies with great reputations at the start of 2023:

  1. The LEGO Group
  2. Microsoft
  3. Patagonia
  4. Walt Disney
  5. Amazon

1. The LEGO Group

Lego products and services store

Lego building blocks have been a source of inspiration, entertainment, and joy for decades, providing children the chance to create and bring imagination to life.

But when it comes to corporate reputation, The LEGO Group represents something even bigger: the ideal brand. LEGO shows what’s possible when you control your own narrative and can pivot when your customers’ needs change.

Facing serious struggles in the early 2000s, the Danish toymaker turned things around and began a complete brand reinvention. This included making major changes to marketing, product offerings, and how relationships were built across different demographics.

By focusing more on corporate culture, social responsibility, and sustainable business practices, LEGO created one of the most respected brands in the world. Along the way, they set the standard for business growth, image, and positive brand reputation.

Build a better online image with the best reputation company in the industry! Contact us today. 

2. Microsoft

microsoft company’s corporate headquarters

Microsoft’s reputation remained mostly undamaged by negative news coverage and other issues affecting the tech industry in recent years.

The software giant owes much of this to the steady leadership of longtime CEO Satya Nadella. Nadella not only grew Microsoft’s presence in the cloud infrastructure space. She also earned a glowing employee-approval rating on Glassdoor.

Microsoft’s reputation was also strengthened by its focus on transparency during product issues and updates, essential to building trust among consumers.

But no matter the reason, Microsoft has maintained a top 10 company reputation for nearly a decade. Not only that, but the company’s industry-leading image has improved every new year. In fact, Microsoft ranked fifth in the Global RepTrak® 100.

3. Patagonia

patagonia products and services store

Patagonia’s unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction solidifies its reputation as one of the top clothing brands in the country. 

Founded over 40 years ago, Patagonia continues to offer replacements, repairs and refunds to anyone unhappy with their products. Similar guarantees are hard to find in any retailer or industry.

Add the firm’s ongoing dedication to eco-friendly causes, and you’ve got a reputation that’s hard to beat.

4. Walt Disney

walt disney company positive reputation

The Walt Disney Company vies for ‘most reputable corporation in the world’ every year, consistently ranking among the top 10 companies in nearly every major reputation metric and category.

Disney’s positive reputation results from a combination of things, including decades of family-friendly programming and strong financial performance. It’s also inspired by company leadership and a commitment to responsible business practices.

In fact, Disney gave nearly $350 million to organizations that help the disadvantaged in 2018. And, the global entertainment brand is aiming to cut companywide carbon emissions in half by this year.

5. Amazon

amazon brand

Amazon has experienced some reputation setbacks in recent years, especially over the heat of the COVID pandemic.

But the brand’s popularity among consumers remains strong, boosting its position among companies with the best reputations of 2023.

Factors like a user-friendly platform, good Glassdoor reviews, and its position as a leading retailer have sealed Amazon’s positive reputation for the foreseeable future. 

Honorable mentions (companies with strong online reps): L.L. Bean, Procter & Gamble, Publix, and Sony.  

Companies With Bad Reputations At The Start Of 2023

 companies with bad reputations in 2021

We’ve looked at companies with good reputations. Now, let’s check out a few firms with some major reputation issues. All could probably use a little (or a LOT) of online reputation repair!

Here are the companies we believe have the worst reputations at the start of 2023:

  1. Philip Morris
  2. Sears
  3. Comcast
  4. Facebook
  5. Goldman Sachs

1. Phillip Morris

tobacco brands as the worst companies in the world

It’s no secret that big tobacco’s reputation has slipped over the last few decades, leaving brands like Phillip Morris to manage the fallout.

With issues like class-action lawsuits and growing negativity toward smoking, Phillip Morris faces a major P.R. crisis nearly every day, with no end in sight.

But what Morris and other tobacco companies lack in positive public image, they (somewhat) make up for in strong financial performance. Many believe this shows little more than a continued focus on profit over the public good.

Have a bad business reputation online? Call 814-917-0925 to get help today.

2. Sears

 sears store with low customer satisfaction

If you’ve followed Sears at all over the past 5-10 years, you might think the once-popular retail brand has one foot in the grave.

And it’s really no wonder. With steadily dipping sales, numerous store closings, a major brand sell-off, and bankruptcy, Sears’ reputation has taken some major hits. In most cases, even just one of these would likely leave your corporate reputation in the dust.

What’s worse, Sears’ downward slide is also bucking retail’s current upward trend. This is putting the brand in a spot where reputation repair may soon be impossible.

3. Comcast

Comcast as one of the companies with bad reputations

When it comes to companies with a bad reputation, telecom giant Comcast has yet to shake its negative image, particularly among consumers. This is evident in the brand’s continually low American Customer Satisfaction Index scores for internet, subscription TV, and fixed-line phone services.

Add several recent high-profile lawsuits to the mix, and Comcast’s reputation strategy always seems to be on life support.

Some blame the industries in which Comcast operates. That’s because TV and internet firms tend to attract customer complaints and high dissatisfaction rates.

Yet, Comcast continues to perform worse than most competitors, setting itself apart as one of “America’s most-hated companies.”

4. Facebook

Facebook like icon facing down

Facebook has been swimming in controversy in recent years, including highly public PR crises doing no favors to its tattered reputation.

Such issues as its influence on the 2016 election, user privacy problems, and inability to police content have earned criticism from lawmakers, celebrities, and advocates across the political aisle.

In turn, this has created serious image problems only made worse on popular social forums. Without a doubt, Facebook is far from becoming one of those companies with a good reputation.

Combine that with poorly received public remarks by CEO Mark Zuckerberg and negative coverage of tech companies overall and Facebook’s brand reputation takes a hit with each new day.

Bad reviews on social media can destroy your online brand. Get help before it’s too late!

5. Goldman Sachs

Goldman Sachs company’s headquarters

Despite improvement, impressive profitability, and a major effort to rehab its reputation, Goldman Sachs continues to struggle with brand image. In short, the financial firm just can’t seem to build trust among the general public.

That’s mainly because Goldman seems unable to shake the ill will created by the 2008 financial crisis. In fact, the financial powerhouse carries the lion’s share of negativity other firms have moved past over the last decade.

That said, Goldman Sachs remains one of the more successful brands in finance. This is despite the feelings of distrust and even loathing many have for the long-time industry leader.

But even though brand sentiment remains the same, there are small but encouraging signs Goldman’s recent image repair campaign may finally be working.

(Dis) honorable mentions (companies scoring low on our reputation barometer): The U.S. Government, Dish Network, Wells Fargo    

Want To Build a Great Reputation? We Can Help

While some brands manage a positive brand despite issues and an evolving digital climate, others aren’t so lucky.

And for those on the losing end of the reputation equation, the consequences can be severe. Many not only experience a damaged public image, but also a harder time reaching customers and growing their bottom line.

Fortunately, there is good news. We partner with the best reputation company in the industry to get your brand back on its feet. Take the first step towards a brighter reputation future—call us at (844) 458-6735 for a free initial consultation. With cutting-edge tools and expertise, we help you protect against threats, repair online reviews and position your company for online success.

Schedule your free initial consultation or call (844) 458-6735(844) 810-6755 today to learn more. Call Us Today to learn more about our Online Reputation Management Solutions – ReputationSciences is owned by

The post Companies With The Best And Worst Reputations In The World, At The Start Of 2023 appeared first on Reputation Sciences.
